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Windows 7 Build 7025는 가짜

Windows 7 2009. 2. 9. 23:28
Windows 7 Build 7025 torrents floating around are fake

이미지 출처: Windows 7 Center

지난 번 포스팅 했었던, 유출된 Windows 7 스크린샷(Build 7025)는 가짜(Fake)임이 여러 경로를 통해 알려져 오고 있습니다. 해당 글의 댓글을 통해서도 많은 분들께서 알려 주셨구요.
Source: Windows 7 Center
Windows 7 Build 7022 is the latest build floating around in torrent sites that is legitimate. While looking around for Build 7022 downloads, you may stumble upon some Build 7025 downloads that appear to be legitimate as well with a unique MD5 hash. A user at JCXP managed to post some more details about the Windows 7 Build 7025 file:

ISO.File: 7025.0.090120-1850_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso

File Size: 2.43 GB (2,618,793,984 bytes)
ISO.CRC32: 885b2c0c
MD5: f76fbaf8091a2f04aef65982f0eea6b3
SHA-1: fb29795960f92217cc3e78b688d2f11ee8d39fa9

The bad news is that the torrents circulating around are completely fake. Members at the PCBeta forum where screenshots were originally leaked have confirmed this. The contents within the Build 7000 and Build 7025 iso are exactly the same. If you’re looking around for Build 7022, make sure you don’t download Build 7025 because it seems newer.

덧. 지난 해 5월, "신뢰성 떨어지는 최근의 Windows 7 정보들"이라는 포스트를 통해 조심해야겠다는 말을 했었는데 이번에 직접 당하고 보니 부끄럽습니다. ^^;
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